PE and Sports Funding

Physical Education is important as it gives children the opportunity to be physically active regularly, highlighting the importance of being healthy and active.  It helps them improve interpersonal skills and promotes team work.

Our main aims for improving PE are:

By July 2024, to further develop the sport leadership roles and opportunities offered across the school, with a key focus to year 5 children receiving specific training.

By July 2024, develop our children’s understanding of a healthy, active life style.

By July 2024, provide more competitive opportunities for children throughout the academic year. Both intra and inter school competitions.

Throughout the year we will continue increasing staff confidence and knowledge to deliver a more specific and effective curriculum.

Current Academic Year

HRPS  2023/24 Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary PE and Sport Premium

HRPS 2022/23 Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium 

HRPS 2021/22 Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium

Historical Documents (from previous years):

HRPS 2020-21 Evidencing-the-impact-of-the-primary-pe-and-sport-premium

HoughtonRegisPrimary-2019-2020 – Evidencing-the-Impact-of-the-Primary-PE-and-Sport-Premium

PE & Sports Premium Action Plan 2019-2020


Houghton Regis Primary School