
Phonics at Houghton Regis Primary

At Houghton Regis Primary School, we aim for all children to learn to read quickly and accurately by the end of Key Stage One. We do this through teaching phonics using the Little Wandle program. This program allows children to learn all 44+ sounds of the English language and then apply those sounds to words. We teach children the skill of decoding words as this ensures that they are able to read almost any word they come across. Within the daily Little Wandle sessions, children will be encouraged and supported to not only practice and develop their decoding skills but also their comprehension and fluency skills.

In order for learning to be personalised, we assess all children at the end of each half term to check their progress. If required, children will receive additional support through the Little Wandle Daily Keep up or Rapid Catch up programs which will help them on their journey to becoming a confident reader.

How can I help my child?

Children find it easier to learn to read and spell if they are taught pure sounds. You might like to watch the below videos to make sure you are using the correct pure sounds with your child at home: 

To support your child with their reading development, we recommend reading as often as possible at home as this will help them to gain confidence as well as practising the skills of blending words together and overall reading fluency.

A Parent’s Little Guide to Helping Children Read

Useful guides for parents

Capital letter formation

Phase 2 pronunciation – Reception Autumn 1

Phase 2 pronunciation – Reception Autumn 2

Phase 2 tricky words

Phase 3 sounds

Phase 3 tricky words

Phase 4 tricky words

Phase 5 sounds

Phase 5 tricky words

Below are nursery rhymes that we sing in Early Years:









1-2-3-4-5 Once I caught a fish alive




Houghton Regis Primary School