Thank you for all the feedback we have received through our feedback box in reception, this has been collated and changes have been made as necessary – Keep the feedback coming and watch this space …………………….
You Said……….. We loved coming in to work with our children in their classes. Do we have to wait until next term for the next one?
We Did………… Change Parent Learning sessions in class with children to be held half-termly instead of termly. Each lesson has a focus – Maths, English, Topic etc.
You Said……….. We would like to learn more about how to help our children with Phonics.
We Did………… Organise Phonics Workshops for parents to help support their child.
You Said……….. Can communication be improved by the school so that we are informed about what’s going on? The website needs updating, as it is hard to find information and not easy to navigate.
We Did………… Send out ParentMail, including e-mails, texting service, letters and newsletters to keep parents informed. Newsletters are sent out monthly on the last Friday of every month and include details of the children’s learning across the school, as well as updates of upcoming events. We also have an updated website – all information is now available, which is tablet/mobile friendly and easier to use.
You Said……….. It would be great to have a list of clubs per term for each Key Stage. Is football on again as my child loved the coaching and I am hoping this will continue?
We Did………… Our school offers a range of clubs and parents are notified in advance. Milton Keynes and Luton Town Football coaches offer football and various other sporting activities.
You Said……….. A homework club would be very useful, parents could make a donation to cover the costs etc. Homework is sometimes a battle to do in our house and is causing arguments – please can you change it?
We Did………… Homework tasks are set to suit the needs of the child with a weekly Maths and English focus. The children in Key Stage 2 have CGP Homework Books that are used weekly for homework. We are looking into introducing a Homework Club.
You Said……….. Can we have the Before and After School Club at school instead of going to Thomas Whitehead?
We Did………… We now have an after school club run by Kidz Zone that is held before and after school with a wide range of activities available. They also hold Holiday Clubs here at the school during Half-Terms and Easter/Christmas Holidays.
You Said……….. Receiving a report in July is too late for us to help our children, especially as we only get one report a year. Timings of the Parent’s Evening are over one evening – we are working parents and work shifts. Could you offer any alternatives?
We Did………… We still provide an End of Year full report and a Mid-Year Report is sent out in February for progress and next steps. Parents’ Evenings will now be held 3 times a year over 2 evenings during the week. Parents can make alternative appointments with their child’s Class Teacher to suit their needs.
You Said……….. Can the children end their primary with something special rather than a barbecue? The residential to Woodrow is only 40 minutes away from here and quite expensive for what it is. Can the school look at going somewhere new please?
We Did………… We have introduced and End of Year 6 Prom and the residential has been changed to the Isle of Wight.
You Said……….. I would like to see all the children in Gold Class start on the same day so they can start with their friends.
We Did………… The children in Gold Class now all start together on the same day as the rest of the school. This is a positive start for all the children and they settle into school quickly.