My name is Tom Muldownie, and I have been Chair of Governors since early in 2022, having joined as a Governor in the autumn of the year before. Prior to joining HRPS Governing board, I have previous experience as both a Governor and as Chair of Governors.
Whilst I have now retired from my professional world, my background is as a Consultant in Business and IT and I have worked for large international companies across the UK as well as Europe, America and Australia. I have worked across multiple industries including Government, Military, Finance and Local Government. Many of my skills and experience are directly transferrable to the Education sector.
The role of the Governing body is to work with the Headteacher and the full school team to get the best education for all the children attending the school allowing all pupils to achieve their potential. There is a distinction between what the Governing Body do, i.e. to make sure that, as far as possible, we monitor what is being done to ensure it is being done in a fair, consistent and unbiased manner and that of the Leadership team of the school do which is to “manage the school” (and all members of the school team from teachers, teaching assistants, admin staff, cleaners, dinner staff, etc.). In fact, the role of a Governor is often described as that of a “Challenging friend”.
As with all schools there are things that may not be going for your child the way you would wish it to go. In those circumstance the school has a “complaint policy” that can be viewed on the school website under the “Our School” – “Policies” tab. It asks that in the first instance you try to address those concerns with the class teacher or if that is not possible, for whatever reason, then it should be raised with the Deputy Head or the Headteacher.
If the member of staff directly involved feels unable to deal with a concern, the Headteacher should be notified, and they will refer you to another staff member. The ability to consider the concern objectively and impartially is very important and we would like the concern to be addressed as soon as possible by the person who can resolve the matter. If the concern, or complaint, is actually about the Head teacher then the concern should be raised in the first place with me, the Chair of Governors., I can be contacted via the following email address
Currently, our Governing Body is composed of individuals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise from various professional fields. However, we acknowledge that there is a disparity between the diversity within our board and that of the broader community. This gap is most evident in the underrepresentation of certain ethnic, gender, and socio-economic groups. Addressing the diversity gap on our Governing Body is an ongoing journey and we are committed to continuous improvement and accountability in this area.
The governing body recognises the importance of such diversity and would welcome applications that would create a more inclusive and equitable environment reflecting the diversity of our students and local community.
On behalf of my fellow Governors, we hope to continue to speak to as many of you as possible and to continue to look to you for your support in making Houghton Regis Primary School the best we can.
Tom Muldownie
Chair of Governors, Houghton Regis Primary School